Another Commercial Casework Project Skillfully Executed By Our Team & Another Happy Albuquerque Cabinet Brokers Client!
Albuquerque Cabinet Brokers was so honored to be the cabinetry firm chosen to head up Shamrock Foods new warehouses and stores all across the Southwest! Below is a note our Vice President, Gary Harwood, received from our client upon completion of the Albuquerque, El Paso, Phoenix, Denver & Fort Collins locations:
Hello Gary…THANK YOU!
Your Albuquerque Cabinets team continues to provide Shamrock Foods, Foodservice Warehouse a great, high quality experience and now (and especially) for our two new Colorado stores; #570, Denver & #571, Ft Collins. From design, materials and most of all, I must say, the installation. Vincent and Jose are excellent! They both, are VERY professional and provide work that must make you very proud. Thank you for sharing them with our team.
We look forward to working again with you and with Vincent and Jose.
Thanks again,
Carl Lunden
Project Management for
Shamrock Foods Company